Hydrogen can be key in the energy system transition. We investigate the role of offshore hydrogen generation in a future integrated energy system. By performing energy system optimisation in a model application of the Northern-central European energy system and the North Sea offshore grid towards 2050, we find that offshore hydrogen generation may likely only play a limited role, and that offshore wind energy has higher value when sent to shore in the form of electricity. Forcing all hydrogen generation offshore would lead to increased energy system costs. Under the assumed scenario conditions, which result in deep decarbonisatiton of the energy system towards 2050, hydrogen generation – both onshore and offshore – follows solar PV generation patterns. Combined with hydrogen storage, this is the most cost-effective solution to satisfy future hydrogen demand. Overall, we find that the role of future offshore hydrogen generation should not simply be derived from minimising costs for the offshore sub-system, but by also considering the economic value that such generation would create for the whole integrated energy system. We find as a no-regret option to enable and promote the integration of offshore wind in onshore energy markets via electrical connections.
Spanish layman's summary:
El hidrógeno puede ser clave en la transición del sistema energético. Vemos que la generación de hidrógeno en alta mar probablemente sólo desempeñe un papel limitado y que la energía eólica marina tenga un valor mayor cuando se envía a tierra en forma de electricidad en la aplicación del sistema energético del norte y centro de Europa y la red marina del Mar del Norte hacia 2050. Forzar toda la generación de hidrógeno en alta mar conduciría a un aumento de los costos del sistema energético. Bajo las condiciones del escenario asumido, la generación de hidrógeno sigue los patrones de generación de energía solar fotovoltaica. En combinación con el almacenamiento de hidrógeno, esta es la solución más rentable para satisfacer la futura demanda de hidrógeno.
English layman's summary:
Hydrogen can be key in the energy system transition. We find that offshore hydrogen generation may likely only play a limited role and that offshore wind energy has a higher value when sent to shore in the form of electricity in the application of the Northern-central European energy system and the North Sea offshore grid towards 2050. Forcing all hydrogen generation offshore would lead to increased energy system costs. Under the assumed scenario conditions, hydrogen generation follows solar PV generation patterns. Combined with hydrogen storage, this is the most cost-effective solution to satisfy future hydrogen demand.
Keywords: Offshore, Hydrogen, Optimisation, Sustainability Transition, Energy System, Modelling
JCR Impact Factor and WoS quartile: 9,300 - Q1 (2023)
DOI reference:
Published on paper: March 2023.
Published on-line: January 2023.
J. Gea-Bermúdez, R. Bramstoft, M. J. Koivisto, L. Kitzing, A. Ramos, Going offshore or not: where to generate hydrogen in future integrated energy systems?. Energy Policy. Vol. 174, pp. 113382-1 - 113382-19, March 2023. [Online: January 2023]